Rofin Polilight™ PL550XL
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Rofin Polilight™ PL550XL
This is the most powerful and advanced Polilight released to date. Building on the successful PL500 series of forensic light source, Rofin Australia has improved and added new features to make this undeniably the most desirable light source yet. Improvements have been made in all aspects of the Alternate Light Source. A new user interface had been designed for intuitive and direct control of all the main functions through 3 dials. A boost mode is available for short periods of time for when extra power is needed. The new variable speed fans are now computer controlled to rotate at optimum speeds. This means a more quiet and pleasant work environment for the Forensic Investigator. Three memory buttons are available to store your favorite settings.
- Input power: 85-265VAC 50-60 Hz. Automatic Selection
- Internal Lamp: 500Watt Xenon Arc Lamp
- Light Output: 2 meters liquid light guide
- Optional 2 meter light guide for IR application. IR filter set (>610, >715, >780, >830)
- Output bands: White, 350nm, 415nm, 450nm, 470nm, 490nm, 505nm, 530nm, 555nm, 590nm, 620nm, 650nm, (optional IR)
- Indicators: Band selection, band tuning, and band power
- Buttons: Power/standby, 3 x memory presets
- Dials: Band selection, band tuning, band power, shutter, quick tune
- Turn off: Automatic if left unattended.
- Remote: Wired graphical six button remote controller
- Weight: In Case: 13.6 Kg. (30 lbs.) Polilight® PL550XL: 9.5 Kg. ( 22 lbs.)
A built in anchor point is provided to mount your choice of clamp to hold the liquid light guide.