Posted by QC on 28th Jun 2018

Thank You!

May 15th through May 21st is officially National Police Week, where our country, specifically our nation’s capitol, focuses and honors law enforcement across the United States through numerous events during the week. Police Week started in 1962 when then President John F. Kennedy proclaimed May 15th as a day to honor our fallen police officers. It has since evolved into 40,000 people traveling to D.C. to honor current officers, but also to remember those who have fallen protecting our country. You can read about it here

Part of Arrowhead’s Mission Statement says, “Partnering with Law Enforcement.” A big part of our purpose is supporting those in law enforcement who daily sacrifice to protect our communities. Most of the time that is with products or services that help CSI’s or lab personnel collect preserve and process evidence. In an effort to take our purpose a step further, every
year during Police Week we discussed, “How can we as a company, guided by our purpose in supporting law enforcement, participate in National Police Week?”

Well, this year, we participated!

Police Week 2018 has come and gone. As we remember those who have given the greatest sacrifice in the line of duty, we wanted to do out part to help the local Kansas City law enforcement community. From May 16th to May 28 we offered our Official Police Week t-shirt for sale. We took the proceeds from the sale of those t-shirts and on June 11th we presented a check for $1,200 to “Badge of Hope KC,” you can read about them here:

We want to thank all those who participated to make the campaign a success and wanted to let you know that there is a Kansas City family who is very thankful for your participation.