Custom GSR (Gunshot Residue) Kits

Posted by QC on 1st May 2019

Custom GSR (Gunshot Residue) Kits

Thank you for your interest in our custom GSR kits.

Gunshot residue (GSR) analysis can be a critical piece of evidence in criminal investigations, but over the last several years many government laboratories have discontinued GSR analysis due to a lack of funding or re-prioritization. By understanding the science behind GSR and what can be learned from its analysis, investigators can make informed decisions regarding the collection of gunshot residue evidence.

Are you searching for a completed custom kit? To order a completed custom GSR kit, please call us at 800.953.3274 between 8:00 am and 4:30 pm (CST) Monday through Friday, and we will be happy to assist you.

Interested in designing your own GSR kit? Our experienced team can assist you from planning to completion. Contact our customer care representatives for more information on the options available. Please call us at 800.953.3274 between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm (CST) Monday through Friday, and we will be happy to assist you. 



  • Instructions
  • FDA Insert
  • Collection Vial Labels (color, font and message)
  • Protective Gloves
  • Envelope/Box and Insert Printing
  • D-Wipes
  • Sealing Labels
  • Evidence Labels
  • Barcoding
  • Serialization


  • Lot Control
  • Case Packaging and Distribution

Despite some laboratories moving away from GSR testing and others imposing limits, law enforcement personnel should collect GSR samples when probative. These samples can always be analyzed at a non-federally regulated laboratory.In the courtroom, lawyers may ask a police officer why he or she did not collect GSR or other evidence. When testifying, it would be better for the officer to be able to say that GSR evidence collected in the case was not probative rather than saying it is not the policy of the department to collect.Luckily, collecting GSR is simple and low cost. Collection kits that contain SEM (scanning electron microscope) stubs are available from $3-$15 depending on the number of stubs and kit makeup.

After collecting GSR evidence, it is up to the police department, the DA, or the defense attorney to decide if the evidence will be sent for analysis. Though GSR evidence is also fairly low-cost to analyze, there are some situations when GSR kits are not analyzed right away. These situations could include budget constraints or scenarios such as suspected suicides. In these scenarios, the GSR kit could be collected and stored for future analysis. GSR particles are composed of heavy metals that will not degrade on the SEM stub.4 As a result, analysis could occur years after collection. Similarly, clothing that has been bagged and stored properly can be tested years later and still be found to have GSR on it.

Despite many labs not having the funding or capacity to accept GSR samples, gunshot residue can still be probative evidence. With knowledge about the science behind GSR and a clear understanding of what is possible within the confines of a case, law enforcement should always take the time to collect critical evidence at the crime scene.


Reference: Gunshot Residue Collection: The Decisions that Make or Break a Case, Julia Patterson