UltraLite ALS - Complete DVSA Turbo Kit
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UltraLite ALS - Complete DVSA Turbo Kit
One of the most powerful handheld solid-state forensic lights in the industry has just gotten more powerful, doubling its output. The industry standard UltraLite ALS® is now the UltraLite ALS® Turbo. Through the use of light interaction techniques, UltraLite ALS® Turbo helps in the detection of trace evidence, body fluids, fingerprints, blood spatter, gunshot residues, and explosive accelerants. These substances may otherwise be difficult to detect against background materials so evidence can remain unseen. It can reveal subcutaneous bruising, injuries and wounds on bodies living and dead, and assist in the location of evidence containing DNA. Doubling the output power means greater levels of evidence visualization. Based off intensive research and interviews with individuals in the forensic nurse field, we have designed a kit to meet the minimum needs with hand-held portability in mind. Our Complete DVSA Turbo Kit is configured to allow greater flexibility and a wider range of investigations for those whose duties may take them out of the hospital
- 1 UltraLite ALS® Handle
- 1 UV Magnum Head
- 1 BMT™ Turbo Head
- 1 White Turbo Head
- 1 Power Supply
- 1 Battery Charger
- 3 Battery Packs
- 1 Pair Amber Glasses w/ bag
- 1 UltraLite ALS® Case w/ Foam Set