Education Kit - Toxicology Kit
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Education Kit - Toxicology Kit
This kit allows students to participate in the extraction of drugs from simulated urine using a column of diatomaceous earth. The students then elute the drugs from the column and run them on a chromatographic silica gel as would be done in authentic drug screening. Students subject samples on the gels to a visualization process for identifying the drugs present in the samples. The lab would work best in a three hour lab or two standard lab periods. The lab could be separated into drug isolation and chromatography sections, as 50 minutes is required for completing the chromatography portion. The gels run in about 20 minutes, but there is also a visualization process that follows. Students calculate Rf values. Designed for 24 students working in six groups of four students each. Meets national standards for grade levels 10-12. Designed for grade 10-14.
- Fume hood
- Ring stands
- Water bath 65-70C - Hot tap water could suffice as a bath
- Hair dryer
- UV light - Black light
- Strong sunlight
- Plant lights, or a goggle cabinet with sanitation bulbs would suffice
- Instructor Manual
- Student Manual
- Methods of Assessment Manual Material Safety Data Sheets
- Note on Phenylpropanolamine
- Rf Value Cards Large
- Rf Value Cards Small
- Tox Elution Columns
- Plastic Bottles with Dropper Caps
- Silica Plates
- Capillary Tubes
- Pipette
- Acetone
- Methanol
- Simulated Urine
- Eluent
- Ethyl Acetate
- Ammonium Hydroxide
- Potassium Iodide Solution
- Acidified Methanol
- Chloroplantinic Solution
- Ninhydrin
- Diphenyl Carbozone
- Mercuric Oxide
- Contact Sudafed
- Ceffedrine
- Dexatrim
- Quinine
- Sulfuric Acid Solution