NARK II Hemp/CBD Screening Test
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NARK II Hemp/CBD Screening Test
This latest addition to our NARK II Product Line is a new screening test that enables you to determine if an unknown plant or oil substance has suspect low levels of THC and is a legal hemp/CBD product, or if it has suspect high levels of THC, and is considered an illegal, controlled substance. Sold in boxes of 10 tests.
The new Hemp / CBD Detection Test lets you first screen the substance for suspect low levels vs suspect high levels of THC. If the substance tests positive for suspect high levels of THC, then you should test it using our NARK II Duquenois-Levine Reagent Presumptive Field Test (SKU: NARK2005) to determine if the substance tests positive for possible presence of certain chemical compounds associated with Marijuana. If the Hemp / CBD Detection Test indicates suspect low levels of THC, you should follow your department’s policy for further testing.
The results of this test are merely presumptive. NARK® only tests for the possible presence of certain chemical compounds. Reactions may occur with, and such compounds can be found in, both legal and illegal products. This test must be administered following its specific instructions and may be used in conjunction with other reagents in the NARK® II Sequential Testing System.
NOTICE: NOT FOR USE WITH ANY EDIBLE PRODUCTS. In states where the sale of CBD (cannabinoid) oil and hemp is legal, follow your Department Protocols as to whether the test results need to be confirmed by an APPROVED ANALYTICAL LABORATORY!